Club Drug “Special K” May Help Alleviate Depression, Study Shows
Ketamine, known as Special K, being used to fight depression
Ketamine, known as Special K, being used to fight depression
A new study suggests that cognitive function is impaired by prolonged use of cannabis.
The Manhattanville College study found that dog owners were “significantly more conscientious and less neurotic” than cat owners.
New research from Oxford University suggests people with a local pub are “significantly” happier, have more friends, and are less likely to drink to excess.
A study published in Current Biology suggests that diet, not exercise, is the most efficient way to control weight.
Researchers have uncovered significant new evidence in the elusive quest to gain muscle while losing fat.
These ripped fitstagrammers will give you more than body envy—they have you racing to the gym.
A new study by market insight company Mintel investigates the effect of “hunkvertising” on male body image.
A new study from the University of California San Francisco suggests coffee drinking is not linked to an escalated or unhealthy heart rate.
Teeangers who used an e-cigarette were more likely to take up smoking a year later, according to a study published in the journal Tobacco Control.